- NSFW and Porn are not allowed
- Swearing is not allowed
- Disturbing or scary moments are not allowed
- Make somethings kid friendly
- Disturbing, frightening, scary images are not allowed
- Violence and gore are not allowed
- Funny elements are allowed
- Do not put copyrighted songs
- If the movie has malicious programs, Flag this Movie that contained Malicious program
- Nudity is not allowed
- Users must be at least 13+ to join the collab
- Scary elements are not allowed
- Choose Your Favorite Member of the Prehistoric Pals VVV
List of Characters:
Fierce Takeri - (Voice actress needed)
Kylie Minogue - (Voice Actress needed)
Tank - (Voice Actress needed)
Willow - (Voice Actress needed)
Unla - (Voice Actress needed)
Lavender II - (Voice actress Needed)
Good Luck everyone!
DEADLINE: 8/17/2020
Comment before you join